And he is before All Things
and in him All Things hold together
and he is the head of the body, the Gathered People
As we move through Paul’s wonderful song (Col 1.15-20 is a song) it important to keep the train of thought before us (context). We have seen that Jesus is God’s AVATAR, that is the very picture of God himself. He has said that Jesus is Supreme because he is actually the instrument for Creation of anything that happens to exist.
The Good News of Jesus (the Gospel) is cosmic in scope. It is as big as the universe that Christ created. It is Good News that the God, through his Christ, created the universe because we have a reason for being here. It is incredible news that Jesus holds it all together. This song, one of Paul’s greatest hits, ties the whole Gospel message together. The Cosmic Christ has created the cosmos. The Cosmic Christ holds all the planets, galaxies, and the spirit world together. And … the Cosmic Christ did not do this “just for me.” Jesus created, Jesus holds it together, and Jesus redeems for the sake of US. You, Me and All Things. Not Me. But for all of us! That is what “he is the head of the body, the Gathered People” means. It means the universe was created to provide a place for God’s family. It means the invisible, and visible, universe is held together for the sake of the family. The Gospel places not me, but us, in cosmic relationship with one another because of Him.
One of the most intense cravings of our times is companionship. It it totally ironic that with our Facebooks, Instagrams, twitter, Tumbler, and even the “old My Space” people feel more isolated than ever. The Postmodern world has paid a heavy price for the Sin of Modernity … all I need is ME! But our cravings show us that we need one another. The Good News of Jesus, that Paul sings, is that because of Jesus, the Avatar of God, we belong to the most important “in group” in the universe – The Gathered People. Or we sometimes call it “church.” But idea is that of people who have been gathered from the four corners of the Earth by the mysterious power of God and made his Family. We are Family. The Gospel makes us the Cosmic Family for whom the entire universe is held together. The family that Jesus himself is the “head” of.
MUSINGS: Which thought disturbs you the most, being alone? or having a great friend? Do you think your answer reflects the fundamental nature of the Gospel of Christ that Paul sings about? Why or Why not?
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you not only believe the Cosmic Gospel but to appreciate it. Ask him to help you see that the “Gospel is for me,BECAUSE it is for us!
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