What's Happening In Bobby's World
First let me apologize to my four or five readers for my extended absence from blogging. This was not really a planned sabbatical from contributing to the noise of cyberspace rather it sort of just happened.
Over the last two weeks I have been either out of town speaking at a conference or on top of Mt. Graham. From June 21 to 23 I was in Detroit, MI at Rochester College attending the Christian Scholars Conference. The Plenary Addresses were given by Philip Jenkins of Penn State. Jenkins has written two very well received books: The Next Christendom and The New Faces of Christianity. I will be sharing more about these books in the near future. But to say that I was enthused by Jenkins presentations is an understatement. Rarely can I say that a scholar has so held my attention. And his presentations were simply rich.
I presented a paper to the Conference on Friday afternoon titled:
"In with Wallace; Out with Brewer: K. C. Moser, The Herald of Truth and the 1920s"
I shared the results of some of my research into the development of Moser's theology and ministry from 1920s and made the case that Moser underwent a revolution of his core theology. That he in the beginning of the 1920s was in fact part of the Texas Tradition and closely associated with Foy E. Wallace Jr but between 1924 and 1926 encountered a "Spirit" that broke his back.
I had one of the most interesting journeys back from Detroit to Tucson that I have ever had. I flew from Detroit right over downtown Milwaukee and into the little bitty airport in Madison, WI. I was there for two hours and then flew to the Twin Cities and was there for many hours. Our 757 had multiple problems. We were taxing out and the right engine died on us. We had to be towed back. We waited for about an hour and half on the plane. Then they decided we needed to deplane and get on another one. I ended back home a little after 3 am. I awoke to teach my class (Hosea: The Heart of God) and preach (Community 101: A Resurrected People from Ephesians 2).
As soon as worship was over we packed everything quickly into my Saturn Vue and made the three hour trip up to Arizona Church of Christ Bible Camp. Camp is on top of Mt Graham at about 10,000 ft. We left Tucson and it was about 107 but on top of the mountain it was right about 75ish. What a wonderful change!!
Pamella and I were the Bible teachers for camp. Our theme was the Shema: Hear O Israel, The Lord our God, the Lord, is One. You shall love the Lord with all of your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. We had a great time.
In Mississippi we were worried about bugs in the cabins. In Wisconsin we were worried about mice and the like. On Mt. Graham we worried about the bears getting in. We had a bear and her cub visit us several times. We discovered her about a hundred yards or so off the boys cabins. The next night after lights out she made her presence known through the middle of the camp. She was not a small bear. Bears make camp interesting to say the least!
On friday we made a five mile hike at 10,000 ft to a lake. At the lake there is a "lookout" that is nothing short of breathtaking. You are standing at the edge of a ledge that drops a thousand feet or so. The ledge looks out into the valley that is 10,000 ft below. On a good clear day you can see for 150 miles. From Mt Graham we could see the mountains by our house. I have a couple of pictures that I plan to post in the next day or two from the look out. It was stunning.
Well that is my report, the short version, of what has been going on. Thanks for checking in and reading.
Bobby Valentine
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
What's Happening in Bobby's World
Posted on 10:36 AM by Unknown
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