"I do not pray for these only, but also for those who believe in me through their word, that they may all be ONE." – Jesus
Barton Stone
"IMPRIMIS. We will, that this body die, be dissolved, and sink into union with the Body of Christ at large; for there is but one Body, and one Spirit, even as we were called into one hope of our calling ...
Item. We will, that preachers and people, cultivate a spirit of mutual forbearance; pray more and dispute less . . ." (Barton W. Stone, Last Will and Testament of the Springfield Presbytery, 1804, in Historical Documents Advocating Christian Union).
"The scriptures will never keep together in union, and fellowship members who have not the spirit of the scriptures, which spirit is love, peace, unity, forbearance, and cheerful obedience. This is the spirit of the great Head of the body. I blush for my fellows, who hold up the Bible as the bond of union yet make their opinions it tests of fellowship; who plead for union of all-Christians; yet refuse fellowship with such as dissent from their notions. Vain men! Their zeal is not according to knowledge, nor is their spirit that of Christ. There is a day not far ahead which will declare it. Such anti-sectarian sectarians are doing more mischief to the cause, and advancement of truth, the unity of Christians, and the salvation of the world, than all the skeptics in the world. In fact, they make skeptics" (Barton W. Stone, "Remarks," Christian Messenger, August 1835, p. 180).
Thomas Campbell
"Let the ministers of Jesus but embrace this exhortation, put their hand to the work, and encourage the people to go forward upon the firm ground of obvious truth, to unite in the bonds of an entire Christian unity; and who will venture to say that it would not soon be accomplished? . . . Nothing ought to be inculcated upon Christians as articles of faith; nor required of them as terms of communion, but what is expressly taught and enjoined upon them by the word of God... Division among Christians is a horrid evil, fraught with many evils. It is antichristian ... It is antiscriptural . . . It is antinatural" (Thomas Campbell, Declaration and Address, 1809, in Historical Documents Advocating Christian Union).
Alexander Campbell
(Alexander Campbell- during a long series of articles "A Restoration of the Ancient Order of Things" responded to a Dunkard {a German Baptist who immersed 3x} who queried him on footwashing, frequency of the Supper, and the Holy Kiss [all of which J.H. believed Campbell to be in error on]. Campbell's reply shows the heart of the Stone-Campbell Movement like nothing else -- Bobby Valentine])
"DEAR BROTHER -- For such I recognize you, notwithstanding the varieties of opinion
which you express on some topics, on which we might NEVER agree. But if we should not, as not unity of opinion, but unity of faith, is the only true bond of Christian union, I will esteem and love you as I do every man, of whatever name, who believes sincerely that Jesus is the Messiah, and hope in his salvation. And as to the evidence of this belief and hope, I know of none more decisive than an unfeigned obedience, and willingness to submit to the authority of the Great King" (Alexander Campbell, "A Restoration of the Ancient Order of Things, No. XI," Christian Baptist, 1825, p. 223).
Robert Richardson
"Christian Union on the Bible alone, has, from the beginning, been the watchword of our religious movement. To effect a union of the pious of all denominations upon this basis was its original and cherished purpose ... For it has been our happiness to learn, and to show to others, that the Christian faith is not a belief in doctrines, as has been generally supposed, but that it is simply a TRUSTING IN CHRIST -- A PERSONAL reliance upon the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior. Such was the Christian faith in the beginning . . .
David Lipscomb
"So long as a man really desires to do right, to serve the Lord, to obey His commands, we cannot withdraw from him. We are willing to accept him as a brother, no matter how ignorant he may be, or how far short of the perfect standard his life may fall from his ignorance...We will maintain the truth, press the truth upon him, compromise not one word or iota of that truth, yet forbear with the ignorance, the weakness of our brother who is anxious, but not yet able to see the truth ...Why should I not, when I fall so far short of perfect knowledge myself? How do I know that the line beyond which ignorance damns, is behind me, not before me? If I have no forbearance with his ignorance, how can I expect God to forbear with mine? ...So long then as a man exhibits a teachable disposition, is willing to hear, to learn and obey the truth of God, I care not how far he may be, how ignorant he is, I am willing to recognize him as a brother." (David Lipscomb, Gospel Advocate, April 22, 1875).
"A sectarian is one who defends everything his party holds or that will help his party, and opposes all that his party opposes. This partisan takes it for granted that everything his party holds is right, and everything the other party holds to be wrong and is to be opposed. Hence the party line defines his faith and teaching. He sees no good in the other party. He sees no wrong in his own party . . .
Ours is a heritage of unity within diversity.
Stoned-Campbell Disciple
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